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After a long year of process, within the twentieth National Assembly, 13th of March, Kaliurang Yogyakarta, Faculty of Law Universitas Udayana has finally claimed its new membership as the thirteenth member in the National Chapter of Asian Law Students’ Association (ALSA) National Chapter Republic Indonesia, one of the national chapters comprising the ALSA International.

Having a wider national network, its official membership will soon enable all law students of Udayana University to expand their organizational skills and academic comprehensiveness among other Asian students from countries, namely: China, Hong Kong, Brunei, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, India, Vietnam, and Laos. To add more, this association will also enhance their international cooperation with the European Law Students Association (ELSA) and Australi-an Law Students Association (AusLSA). Hope-fully, the establishment of the local chapter will soon facilitate students to widen their network and hone their skills for the sake of experiences.

​Historically, there has been several milestones remarking the establishment of the ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Udayana. It all started from the initial talks from Mr. Nyoman Wicaksana Wirajati, SH (Founder of ALSA LC Unud) along with the Former President of National Board, Ms.Keshia Sifra. Soon, Udayana University has been invited into several ALSA National events, such as: participating in the National Moot Court Competition, Supreme Court Competition, Purwekerto, and cooperated to hold an international seminar and study trip which took place in Bali.After that, Udayana initial action was signed by their attendance in the National Assembly of ALSA NC RI in Aceh, March 2011. Delegated by Mr. Nyoman Wicaksana Wirajati, and Mr. I Gede Bagus Ananda Pratama. Finally, a format-ting team was composed, led by Mr. I Gede Ba-gus Ananda Pratama, along with Mr. I Putu An-dre Purna Mahendra, Mr. I Gusti Agung Wahyu Nugraha, Ms. Ni Made Desi Mega Pratiwi, Ms. Bellana Saraswati, and Mr. Aloysius Adi Kurnia.

​For a year preparation, the team managed to participate in several national events, namely: National Seminar and Workshop, (July in Surabaya) Pre – National Assembly, (November in Malang), and successfully held join venture project by the ALSA NC RI and ISAFIS in commencing the Study Trip and Diplomatic Course (STDC). As a final remark, the establishment of ALSA LC Unud is official within the twentieth National Assembly, 13th March, Kaliurang-Yogyakarta

ALSA LC Unud nowly led by Kariangkamang Nathan Marpaung as the director 2023/2024 period, helped with 4 vice directors, 2 secretaries, and 1 treasurer general. There are 8 divisions in ALSA LC Unud, Law Development Division, English Development Division, Internal Relations Division, Human Resources Development Division, External Relations Division, Foreign Affairs Division, Finance Division, and last but not least Multimedia Division. ALSA LC Unud also has 3 annual programs, Organization, Leadership Management of ALSA (OLMA), ALSA Care and Legal Coaching Clinic (CLCC), and Musyawarah Lokal (MUSLOK). ALSA LC Unud has reached first place for NMCC Piala Mahkamah Agung XXIV, second place for NMCC Piala Mahkamah Agung XXIII and second place for NMCC Dalihan Natolu 2023.

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Universitas Udayana
ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Udayana

© 2024 Asian Law Students' Association Local Chapter Universitas Udayana


Organized by Vice Director on ICT ALSA LC Unud.

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